My Friend for 75 years - from school and beyond

Created by Caroline 8 months ago
I got to know Sue when we both moved up to the same second year class at Mayfield in 1949. We often made up a foursome with Nina Hambelton and Joan Bliss. However, I was particularly close with Sue and we sometimes had overnight stays at each others houses (she lived at Earlsfield and I lived at West Norwood). Sues mother often organised church concerts at Earlsfield, and sometimes included me singing with Sue. One of the songs that Sue and I used to sing at the concerts was 'Sisters' (the song that Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen sang in White Christmas).
Sue and I were both great fans of Danny Kaye, and when he performed at the London Palladium we spent two Saturday afternoons at the stage door at the theatre. Not only did we get his autograph in our own autograph books - but also in the autograph books of our form-mates. And - oh joy! - he said "I think I'm going to faint" when everyone crowded in on us, and he fell back into Sues arms on one side and mine on the other!  He eventually entered the stage door and then Sue and I sat on the steps outside the stage door listening to the performance which came through loud and clear. 
I've attached a photo of the four Mayfield schoolfriends out for a meal (I think this was a get together sometime after we had left Mayfield, L-R, Nina, Sue, Joan, Carole).
I've also attached a couple of Mayfield school photos.  One is from 2nd year (Sue is front row, 3rd from left, and I'm front row 3rd from right), and the other is from 5th year (Sue and I are on either side of Miss Whittaker in the front row).
I'm grateful for having known Sue, and this comes with deepest sympathy.
Carole (Fox)
