I have quite a few .. though mainly from our younger days when Susan and the family were in Earlsfield, and we were in West Wickham and we used to get together a little more back then. They were very happy days and there always seemed to be a giggle or laugh involved!
I used to have a swing in the garden and when your Mum and the family used to visit, there was always a “race” between Roy and Susan to see who could get to it first and have the longest “go” - have to say it was usually Roy as according to Susan “he had the longer legs” for running - it was a very long garden !
Another “regular occurrence“ was when Mum, Dad and I would go to Earlsfield for tea on a Sunday afternoon .. Susan and I would usually disappear upstairs and work out the “programme” in order to “put on a show” for the adults downstairs after tea !! A lot of it was repetitive but, bless the adults, they all laughed and clapped in the right places - we must have been all of about 7 and 10 years old respectively !
Grandma Ferris lived very close to Auntie Marie and Uncle Will [Susan's mum & dad] and would often be there when we visited and she had extremely good humour even for her 82 years of age - she needed a walking stick to get around and Susan and I would often “plot” to hide the stick .. ....we would do this with a lot of thought on our part but Grandma always used to find it (probably because we put it in the same place quite a lot!!). However, she always had a Fry’s Cream Chocolate bar for us both and I think we did it because of the chocolate rather than Grandma finding her stick - after all sweet rationing was in force at that time !
There are so many stories and so many of them bring smiles to the face but these are just one or two that come to mind.
Wonderful memories shared by SYLVIA JOHNSON